Control Response

The Classic has conventional 2x2 suspension geometry. Lines from the front risers cascade to the A & B attach points. Lines from the rear risers cascade to the C & D attach points. The weight is distributed approximately 60% on the front risers, and 40% on the rear risers.

The Classic has excellent rear riser flare capability, and if you pull down one front riser, a really good diving spiral (good to separate the stack on team accuracy jumps). A front riser "spiral line" has been provided to make front riser spirals easier. The line goes from the right front riser to just below the outside right A/B cascade point. By pulling in on this line (about three feet), you can achieve a really effective diving spiral. Complete all spirals above a "hard floor" of 1000 feet above the ground, to be safe!

With a thick airfoil, the Classic has a long control range. That means from full flight (with no tension from the tail on the steering lines) to the stall requires a control stroke that exceeds the arm length of most jumpers. Most accuracy jumpers prefer their canopy enter full sink/stall with their hands just at, or slightly below, waist level. This means the forearms are horizontal, or depressed slightly below horizontal, as the canopy goes into a sink.

To achieve this setting, the tail of your canopy will have to be pulled down slightly while in full flight (see figure 1). The mark (made at the factory) on the lower control line is an approximate setting which you may have to adjust up or down a few inches to achieve sink/stall at the desired point.

With the sink/stall point at this setting, you must use extreme caution to not abruptly stall the canopy at low altitude! A waist high stall point allows experienced accuracy jumpers to "finesse" entry into sink and control their glidepath as they finish their approach. It gives experienced accuracy jumpers a last ditch "salvage" ability if they find themselves going over the top of the pad because they have 12 to 18 inches of control stroke downward, below the steady state sink/stall entry point.

Do not stall or sink your Classic below 500 feet unless you have at least 100 jumps on the canopy, and are comfortable in this control regime! Even then, do not stall or sink your canopy below 500 feet unless you are below 50 feet, and your glidepath will positively end with an impact centered on a foam landing mat or soft pea gravel pit. A low altitude stall and/or rock back could cause you serious bodily injury or even death.

Steering: The Classic has moderate steering forces. You'll find that turns above 1/2 brakes require six to twelve inches of toggle deflection, and should be made with smooth but positive movements Below 1/2 brakes, as the wingtips fill out, you will find that steering is more precise, and that a "cross control" turn is most effective Instead of simply pushing down on the desired turn side toggle, let up on the "outside" toggle in equal measure, for a flat, responsive turn (See figure 2 below)

Figure 1 - Control Range

Figure 2 - Cross Control Steering

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